Winners of Active House Awards 2018 announced in Lecco

7 November, Lecco, Italy – Active House Alliance, the network of companies sharing a vision of buildings that create healthier and more comfortable lives for their occupants with no negative impact on the climate, selected the winner of its 2018 Active House Label Awards at its international Symposium in Italy today.

This year’s contest is the third in a row, brought to life to promote the Active House Label. The Label is a tangible reflection of the Active House vision and a worldwide quality stamp for comfortable and sustainable buildings. It advises on elements that are important to people’s lives and their homes.

Exceeding the expectations, the contest gathered 35 excellent submissions from across the world. All the projects were assessed by a highly professional jury composed of international building experts, including Marco Imperadori, Professor, Politecnico di Milano (Italy), Eileen Meyer, architect and co-founder of ActiveHouseItalia (Italy), Shaun Joffe, executive director, Great Gulf (Canada), Bas Hasselaar, architect, DGMR (Netherlands), István Kistelegdi, research professor, University of Pécs (Hungary) and Emilia-Cerna Mladin, professor, Polytechnic University of Bucharest (Romania).

The submissions were divided into four categories of projects. The jury named winners for each of the categories and an overall winner of the Active House Awards. Categories are: designed projects without radar, designed projects with radar, built projects without radar and finally built projects with radar. With two categories having two projects each tied for the winner position, a total of 6 projects ended up winning Active House labels in the four categories.


The overall winner is…!


From these projects the overall winner was selected by the jury of experts. The jury appointed Copenhagen International School as the overall winner of the Active House Awards. At the Awards ceremony, the Chair of the jury, professor Marco Imperadori commented: “At unanimity, the Jury voted Copenhagen International School as the overall winner of the competition, rewarding its social impact. Besides, it clearly embodies all the three Active House aspects: Energy, Comfort, Environment, in a very clever and expressive way.”


Many more ways to win

This year’s winners of the Active House Awards categories showcase the diversity of projects under the Active House principles. Amongst the winning projects are both entirely new buildings and renovations that enable existing buildings to meet the Active House standards.

Geographically the winning of projects also show that Active Houses are not restricted to only a few parts of the globe. With winning projects from China, Germany, Canada, Italy and Denmark, Active House is starting spread the vision of buildings that create healthier and more comfortable lives across the globe.

For further information, please contact the Active House Secretariat at or by phone at +32 22 34 6102.

For questions about Copenhagen International School, please contact Thomas Nielsen at or by phone at +45 39 46 33 00.


Four categories, six winners


Winners of the Built projects with radar category

CIS – Copenhagen International School: Volumes, inner and outer, skins with integrated PV, openings for natural light and ventilation, insulation, thermal delay, clever energy strategies make this building to be a visible Milestone for any future design related to sustainable buildings.


Casa sul Parco: Casa sul Parco is a very elegant, clever and contemporary building inside an historical park and city center in Fidenza (Italy). The volumes are very well connected, and Energy strategies are well balanced with morphology and aesthetics. This shows how energy Efficient Buildings can be expressive and unique, attracting developers and stimulating new clients.


Winners of the Built projects without radar category

Skygarden House: Very elegant and creative design which shows how a single family house can be designed in a small plot by a dialectic strategy between the outside shape (simple and compact) and the inner volumes (articulated and very well connected).


S8: Extremely interesting building with a very nice articulation of volumes in a small shape. Interior design, double height spaces which can create a chimney effect in hot/middle seasons, beautiful inner light and also outside views make this small example a very creative one even in a small single family house.


Winner of the Designed projects with radar category

Wetland Museum of GuanTing: Applying the Radar and AH approach to a Museum is a very clever and innovative way to show that AH principles are not limited to housing but also possible for more complex buildings. In this case the outside shape shows a compactness which is then very well solved in the inner spaces and always keeping in mind: energy, comfort and environment. Thus a very inspiring project indeed.


Winner of the Designed projects without radar category

Kindergarten of Longfor Gaobeidian Railway City: The project shows how is important design for education in a nice and articulated space with consciousness about energy approach and comfort by using natural/zenital light and possible natural ventilation.


Winners of Active House Awards 2018 announced in Lecco

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