The new Clean Energy package, presented at the end of 2016 kicking off the new legislative framework shall deliver the EU’s objectives towards the low carbon economy by 2050. After 12 months of intensive political process the first legislative file has been closed, namely the revision of the Energy performance of Buildings Directive. Active House Alliance welcomes a more holistic approach recognizing the complementary potential of Energy efficiency, healthy indoor climate (and comfort) and positive impacts on the environment.

The later three determinants are the core values promoted by Active house Alliance. Firstly, while the Europe’s building stock – residential and non-residential is responsible for 40% of EU primary energy consumption and 36% of the CO2 emissions, it still remains unfathomable to many stakeholders that 75% of the building stock remains inefficient. The renovation rate needs to grow to 3%/year adding 1 million more jobs. Secondly, humans spend 90% our time indoors, while studies indicate that more than 30% of all building stock in Europe is poorly ventilated, often humid, lacks daylight and is often the cause of chronical diseases. Therefore renovation targets must also aim to improve indoor climate conditions. Thirdly, buildings are responsible for 40% of the total global volume of waste generated and 40% of material consumption, making the sector the major area within the circular economy.

The Active House vision defines highly ambitious long-term goals for the future building stock. The purpose is to unite interested stakeholders based on a balanced and holistic approach to building design and performance, and to facilitate cooperation on such activities as building projects, product development, research initiatives and performance targets that can move us further towards the vision. The alliance will cooperate with all partners on development of the national guidelines for implementation of the new EPBD.

The Active House vision is in line with the revision of EPBD and can be the basis for national implementation the principles suggest a targeted framework how to design and renovate buildings that positively contribute to human health and well-being by focusing on the indoor and outdoor environment and the use of renewable energy.

The vision is further developed through the Active House Guidelines, which will support to implement the decarbonization goal by 2050 and is a link between the EPBD and the national implementation, taking care about Energy Efficiency, the human, health and wellbeing in buildings, as well as the environment.

The revision of the EPBD has set a good framework. Active House alliance urges the EU Member States to properly implement it into their national law. The Active House principle, guidelines and label is an inspiration how to create »Healthy houses for all Europeans«.

For the full Active House Press Release, see here.

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