Politiken Byrum reports: CF Møller wins the Active House Awards for Copenhagen International School
Out of six category winners, Copenhagen International School was recognised with the prize for the overall winner at the Active House Awards.
Copenhagen International School designed by CF Møller has been selected as an overall winner of the Active House Label Awards 2018.
There have been a total of six category winners rewarded, while Copenhagen International School earned the main prize, informs the Active House Alliance in a press release.
The chairman of the jury, Professor Marco Imperadori, states that Copenhagen International School was awarded with the prize for the overall winner in recognition of the social impact of the building. “Besides, it clearly embodies all the three Active House aspects: Energy, Comfort, Environment, in a very clever and expressive way” Professor Imperadori continued.
The organization, which is led by Danish Lone Feifer as Secretary General, who is indeed Sustainability and Architecture Director at Velux, has a vision to create more healthy buildings for the users without negative impact on the environment.
Read the original article in Danish here.