Learn to make an Active House calculation – Webinar on 24 and 25 August 2016

The Active House alliance offer a two half days webinars on calculation of the Active House Radar. The webinar is open for both members and non-members of the alliance.

The webinars include a detailed introduction to the Active House specifications, where all the nine parameters will be explained in details, including the references to standards and levels to archive. The introduction will be followed by a guided tour on how to use of the Active House calculation tool, including how to calculate the Active House radar. Finally the new Active House label will be presented and the process to obtain a label will be explained.

The webinars will be set up as two half day seminars on 24 August from 9 AM – 12 AM (CEST) and 25 August from 9 AM – 12 AM (CEST). Participation both days is required.

The program include
• Introduction to the Active House specification
• Guidance in the use of the Active House tool
• Learn about application and validation of an Active House label

Participation is free for members of the Active House Alliance.

Costs for non-members is 500€, which will include 2 x half day webinar, free copy of the Active House Calculation tools and membership of the active house alliance for the rest of 2016.

Register yourself by sending an email to the Active House secretariat at secretariat@activehouse.info

Max participants is eight persons.

A similar webinar will be set up on 19 and 20 October, both days 2 PM – 5 PM (CEST), with same agenda and same conditions.

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