How to win the race? – Insights from last years’ Active House Award Winner

What does the competition offer to project owners/home users like you? Why would you recommend them to participate?

First of all, this competition brings a great chance to “weight” and evaluate the submitted project in the framework of an international, renowned green award contest. The main and the special Active House prizes deliver the highest international and professional acknowledgement, as well as publicity of a particular project. “One award attracts the other”: In my case, approx. 6 months after receiving the Active House Award 2017, a next great prize, the Energy Globe Hungary Award 2017 was won (commonly sad nickname ‘Energy-Oscar’). In addition, the award’s great publicity (success) brings definitely new, further assignments and projects on board.

What do you think is the secret for a project to be outstanding that catches the Jury’s attention?

To be unique. Unique in terms of technology and appearance. Originality in basic building concept (space and geometry organisation), in reasonable used green structures and high efficient MEP systems, as well as in efficient and comfortable seasonal operation. On the other hand, beauty and aesthetics are another form of energy, hence external and interior architecture should be authentic and unique as well. The visual quality of the appearance and the daylighting of the spaces is essential. Furthermore, prototypical qualities are always an ‘eye-catcher’ for juries.

As a winner of the last years’ edition, what would you recommend for this year’s participants when submitting their projects? Any particular aspect they should focus on?

The main focus should be on a holistic character of the building project, including high energy efficiency, high visual and thermal comfort, as well as environmental conscious choice of structures, materials and HVAC systems. The higher the performance in these three components, the higher will be the chance to go for the Award! If the project possesses monitored measurements about the implemented buildings performance, – this means a great advantage as well. Last but not least, presentation of the application should be in highest quality (plans, photos), and info-graphs about the building’s operation can be also recommended. The description in the application is a further key in the competition. It should include a well-balanced, somehow ‘captivating’ and compressed writing about most important contents of the above mentioned three criteria and the design quality of the project…

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