CESB16 Prague on Sustainable Buildings Call for papers

The Central Europe towards Sustainable Building 2016 (CESB16) conference will take place on June 22–24 2016 in Prague, Czech Republic. The conference is held under auspices of international conveners CIB, iiSBE, UNEP-SBCI and FIDIC and belongs to Sustainable Built Environment regional conference series leading towards World Conference SBE17 Hong Kong. CESB16 will contribute to UNEP 10YFP Sustainable Building and Construction Programme.

The CESB16 objective is to present current activities in sustainable building in the Central Europe and to bring ideas and international expertise to the region to contribute to further development.

Interested stakeholders have time until 15 June to submit their abstracts (up to 250 words) on one of the below Conference topics:

·         Sustainable renovation of existing building stock
Examples of sustainable modernizations and refurbishments of existing buildings and districts, modular retrofitting solutions

·         Industrial heritage regeneration
Industrial heritage in urban context, adaptive reuse, industrial heritage tourism, regeneration initializing activities

·         Sustainable urban development
Urban regeneration and development strategies, spatial planning tools and methods

·         Building design process
Design strategies for energy efficient and environmentally friendly buildings, design optimization tools, examples of utilisation of integrated design

·         Materials and technologies for sustainable buildings
Low-tech and high-tech materials, sustainable production and use of building materials, integration of new technologies improving sustainability of buildings

·         Decision-support tools and assessment methods
Building sustainability assessment methods, benchmarking and regional aspects, social, economic and environmental indicators of built environment, life cycle costing

·         Sustainable building in education
Implementation of sustainable building principles into curricula at various levels, lifetime education, public awareness and dissemination


For more information see here

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