Marco Giardina

Marco Giardina
City: Neuchâtel
Country: CH
Profesion: Executive Manager
Contact information: Ir. Marco Giardina Sensiel Research Switzerland Corporate Web: Email(Corporate):, Email(Private): Ph(Switzerland): +41 79 657 41 95 Ph(Italy): +39 389 022 0 429 Ph(Netherlands):+31 62 733 56 12 Skype: swissleonight
Bio: Marco Giardina is an electronic engineer, economist and business leader by experience and education but he loves to be considered as an innovation visionare; his main interests includes emerging and future technologies, economy, innovation, business leadership, social sciences, philosophy, linguistic. Marco is currently Sensiel Research Switzerland Program Manager and member of the executive commitee of IEEE Switzerland. Marco's vision of research activities is to build an environment where t
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