Jackie Jackels

Jackie Jackels
City: St. Louis
Country: US
Profesion: Retired
Contact information: You have my attention. I would like to chat with you about a proposal. I live in an inner city neighborhood that would benefit with a lift from you. This neighborhood has been abused for 40 years as a direct result from a major player in city politics. This neighborhood has been plundered and the residents who have been here for 50 years like I have know it is time for something good to happen to an area that has had so much bad because of politics. Looking at your site it looks as though you can build
Bio: 66 years old white female, married, divorced, mother, grandparent, great grandparent, church member, neighborhood advocate, retail management, RE Sales, Inspection, volunteer and politics.  Lived outside this country for extended periods of time in other countries.  Have had many experiences.  No formal education after H.S.  Born middleclass back in 1946 or poor.  Never had money but always had moneymaking ideas.  I know what people want.
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