In the past years the Active House Alliance has become more and more known among the European decision makers thanks to its active participation in the policy and technical debates on sustainable buildings. Recently, its efforts to create healthy and comfortable lives to buildings’ occupants without negatively influencing the climate and environment, have been highly rewarded by the European Commission. Recently it has been invited to the European Commission’s “1st Working Group meeting for the development of a common EU framework of indicators for the environmental performance of buildings” as a member of the main stakeholder group. 

The meeting, which took place on 16 June and was attended by recognised stakeholders in the building sector, allowed Active House to contribute proactively to the work on the development of macro-objectives for resource efficient buildings and help to pave the way towards a more sustainable Europe.

“The European Commission has by this initiative taken the first step towards a common understanding of sustainable buildings in Europe and the meeting showed that a balanced focus on Comfort, Energy and Environment is highly relevant”, commented Kurt Emil Eriksen, Secretary General of the Active House Alliance. 


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