2022 Active House Awards – Winners announcement

13 April, Rotterdam, The Netherlands – Active House Alliance, the network of companies sharing a vision of buildings that create healthier and more comfortable lives for their occupants with no negative impact on the climate, selected the winner of its 2022 Awards at its International Symposium, taking place at De Doelen in Rotterdam.
This year’s contest was focused on the renovation and creation of active places. All the projects were assessed by a highly professional jury composed of international building experts, including Marco Imperadori, Professor, Politecnico di Milano (Italy), Marianna Rotilio, Senior Researcher at the Department of Civil, Construction-Architecture, Environmental Engineering of the University of L’Aquila (Italy), Toshiki Hirano, Co-Director of the SEKISUI HOUSE – KUMA LAB at the University of Tokyo (Japan), Jette Birkeskov Mogensen, Associate Partner and Office Director in Aarhus Studio of Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects (Denmark), Mauro Franzoni, Director of Architecture for Great Gulf Residential in Toronto (Canada), Dr.-Ing. Chong Liu, Professor and Deputy Dean at College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Qingdao University of Technology (China), Anne Struiksma, Consultant of Sustainability & Circularity in the Built Environment at Nieman Raadgevende Ingenieurs (The Netherlands).The submissions were divided into 2 categories of projects: Transforming Active Spaces and Creating Active Spaces, with the following sub-categories:

  • Transforming Active Spaces BUILT WITHOUT RADAR
  • Transforming Active Spaces BUILT WITH RADAR
  • Creating Active Spaces DESIGNED WITH RADAR
  • Creating Active Spaces BUILT WITHOUT RADAR
  • Creating Active Spaces BUILT WITH RADAR

The jury named winners for each of the categories, as well as an overall winner. With such a high level of submissions, the Jury gave commendations to all the shortlisted projects.


Overall winner Active House Award 2022

Bouw•Novum 5.4 woning

Location: Nijverdal, Netherlands
Owner/investor: –
Architects: Bouw•NovumB.V.
Project type: Private house

“The building wives the Active House criteria of comfort, energy, environment, and New European Bauhaus values. This creates a simple but elegant environment that can be replicated as a strategy model with a well-examined circularity. Interior spaces are full of light and beautiful for a very well-proportioned façade.”

Transforming Active Spaces (Built without radar) – Ex-Aequo


Location: Shatanbei street #3, Beijing, China
Owner/investor: Xuan
Architects: HP Ren
Project type: Renovation of a courtyard house

”For the very elegant integration between contemporary architect and heritage, spaces’ quality, and the technical approach”.

Transforming Active Spaces  (Built without radar) – Ex-Aequo

Bata Shoe Factory

Location:  Batawa, Ontario, Canada
Owner/investor: BatawaDevelopment Corporation
Architects: BDP Quadrangle; DubbeldamArchitecture + Design
Project type: Renovation of a factory

“For the important reuse and integration of materials, enhancing the environmental quality as well as the social inclusion with affordable andbeautiful spaces”.

Transforming Active Spaces  (Built with radar)

Active House Apartments

Location: Kyiv, Ukraine
Owner/investor: Private person
Architects: Alexander Kucheravy; Vitaliy Goy; Julia Shifferson
Project type: Renovation of a building

“A stunning example of how a building can be transformed thanks to a very special material: the light. The new space looks amazing in terms of articulation and the possibility to have stakeffktand ventilation thanks to the presence of the roof windows. An example that matches the New European Bauhaus values”Winner of the Transforming Active Spaces Built with radar category”.

Creating Active Spaces (Designed with radar)

Closing Gap

Location: Mirkedistrict, Wuppertal, Germany
Owner/investor: –
Architects: MahsaTaslimiNiak -Saba Modaresi Alam – Mana Nemati Aghdam
Project type: Residential building

“For the clear integration of contemporary architecture in a existing building project. Materials, performances and spaces are very well designed”.

Creating Active Spaces (Built with radar)

Library Information Center of Dalian University of Technology in Liaodong Bay

Liaodong Bay, Liaoning Province
Owner/investor: Dalian University of Technology
Architect: Tianzuo Architecture Research Institute, Shenyang Jianzhu University: Liu Wanli, Zhang Lingling, Wang zhemin, Zhao weifeng, Bayin bulage, Zhong zhaokang, Hao ana, Ju yexin, Hou yu, Li keheng

”For the overall strategy applied, and the radar calculated to a cultural building. The quality of tight spaces and material, as well as the masterplan design, are top quality”.

Creating Active Spaces (Built without radar)

Bikes and Rails

Location: Emilie-Flöge-Weg4, Vienna, Austria
Owner/investor: Bikes and Rails
Architects: Architekturbüro Reinberg ZTGmbH
Project type: Co-house

”For the elegant design, the quality of spaces and the overall strategy applied. The social aspect of the process matches the vision of togetherness of New European Bauhaus as well as the beautifulness and the sustainability aspects”.
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