Central and Eastern Europe’s Energy Efficiency Forum

Date: 22 June 2016 End date: 25 June 2016

What is C4E Forum?

In short—not your average conference. Our aim is to create Central and Eastern Europe’s first community building event on energy efficiency in buildings. There are so many interesting efficiency projects happening in the region—it is time to share and build upon them!

  • Half-week interactive programme combining practical sessions, creative workshops and evening plenaries with high-level speakers and plenty of informal networking opportunities
  • Professionals and those interested in energy efficiency in buildings from government, industry, NGOs, think-tanks, financial institutions, etc. from across CEE region all in one place
  • Hosted on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast – a breathtaking location at an affordable cost

Do you need to extend your knowledge and network? C4E Forum will help you do that.

Read more here: http://c4eforum.net/

Why now?
2016 will be an important year for energy efficiency as well as the broader concept of Energy Union. It will see the review of both the Energy Efficiency Directive and the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive. Work on updating the National Energy Efficiency Action Plans will start as the 2017 NEEAP review approaches. Implementation of energy efficiency programmes needs to come up to speed to deliver on the 2020 energy savings target and reduce import dependence, improve local air quality, reduce fuel poverty, and in general, bring a better quality of life for the citizens in Central and Eastern Europe.

Who is actually coming?

  • Governments: number of officials from various ministries from different countries (energy, industry, economy, environment), government energy agencies, advisors to ministers, members of cabinets
  • Businesses: DANFOSS, denkstatt Group, E.ON, ETEM, Johnson Controls, Knauf Insulation, PHILIPS LIGHTING, Saint-Gobain, VELUX Group, and more
  • Trade Associations: European as well as national associations of manufacturers of building materials and energy efficiency technologies, advocacy alliances (Active House Alliance, Chance for Buildings, Buildings for Future, DENEFF), number of Green Buildings Councils from the CEE region (BG, CZ, PL, SK, SI, TR)
  • NGOs: CEE Bankwatch Network, ClientEarth, Climate Action Network Europe, EnEffect, Energiaklub Climate Policy Institute, European Climate Foundation, Habitat for Humanity, Institute of Environmental Economics, Passive House Centre
  • Research and thinktanks: Buildings Performance Institute Europe, Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency, Ecofys, Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics, Metropolitan Research Institute, Regulatory Assistance Project
  • International organizations: Covenant of Mayors, EASME, EBRD, European Commission, UNDP, World Bank, World Resources Institute
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